In Malaysia, there are
multiraces and multireligion who live together in same place and share
multiculture. Here, we can see that majority of Malaysia`s residences are
influenced by Malay lifestyle and Islamic culture. It is due to Malaysia is an
Islamic country. Hence, the preacher or
‘da`ie’ who are responsible to call Muslims to depend on Allah only and invite
non-Muslims to Islam the true religion. Indeed, Muhammad Mahmud al-Sawwaf
and Muhammad Husayn Fadlullah
unanimously concluded that the main way of
missionary or da`wah approach to invite the people to Islam mentioned in the Quran
in chapter An-Nahl, verse 125.
Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and
argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth
best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.
Based on this verse, there are three methods to
do the missionary activities with wisdom (bilhikmah), good advice and good
teaching (mauizah al-hasanah) and debate with the great ways (mujadalah billati
hiya ahsan). The explanation above is related to spread Islam to non-Muslims
until they convert to Islam as ‘Muallaf’ and we must pay
attention towards them how the learning program can help them effectively.
I move forward to the content, it is better to know the meaning of newly
Muslims. Usually, we call newly Muslims as Muallaf because they convert Islam
from their original of religion after reciting the word of syahadah. They are
willing to live their old religion to Islam is the noble one action in our
life. Initially, we can refer the word ‘Muallaf’ in al-Quran, chapter 9 (al-Tawbah),
verse 60. Allah mentions clearly about ‘Muallaf’can get zakat and Allah is very
Fairness and Justice
In this jurnal, the one
of PERKIM`s officer said the sum of them at Kuala Lumpur from year 1995 until
2000, they are 400 people in a year averagely. Their sum will ascending from
years to years. This situation is needed to handle by us to concern their
welfare including learning program to gain understanding of Islam and do the
Islamic practical.
Furthermore, Non Government
Organisations (NGOs) are starting to implement the great ways in handling them
through the learning process. The one of government`s effort to help them, all
states built Islamic hall to run learning activities about Islam among them.
But, they cannot get the positive feedback because there are no study to survey
the effectiveness of learning program. They are only survey their main problems
towards program from previous study.
Additionally, we must
focus on objective of program, contents of learning, the learning situation and
conveying and operating program. After that, we can gain their knowledge and
the others preacher can manage the learning program effectively. Hence, we must
foster their feeling to learn, know, understand about Islam and practice it. Mohd
Kamal pointed a view that the balanced of religion knowledge with science
knowledge is a need in our life and not contrary each other. Both of them is
related with eah other and become more perfection. We cannot deny it and
separate them into two types likes dualism concept which is Westerners did. All
knowledge come from Allah and the main thing is Tawhid.
According Mohd Azmi Mat
Sah (2003), he stressed that three types of adult education from Islamic
perspective. The first type is learning or education program is lifelong
process. Secondly, the process of repeatance is the important one to remind us.
The third and the last one is learning society is a need in Islam. We know that
Islam emphasize us to gain the knowledge. Like our prophet Muhammad said, all
of Muslims is compulsory to seek the knowledge.
Trustly, they have
problem to follow Islamic education smoothly because they are new and not
familiarize with Islamis practice before that. Ibrahim (1995) and Zainurin
(1993) gave their opinions that there are some factors related with them. These
problems come from their obedience of Islamic practice, be suitable with
Islamic neighbours, their respond especially their family respond. The other
problems are hard to learn because their place is quite far from the learning
place and their kinds of jobs are not suitable for them after they convert.
From the journal
entitled ‘Keperluan Memahami Psikologi Saudara Muslim’ by Nur A`thiroh
Masyaa`il Binti Abdullah @ Tan Ai Pao and Fariz Md Sham had a conclusion the
three challenges of Muallaf psichology in overcoming their life. Pressure from
Islamic attention, depression from their own family, adopted family and society
and tention to familiarize themselves surrounding their condition and
situation. After we know and understand them, it is an obligation for us to
settle down their problems and help them to face it together.
Both of them also
recommended six suggestion to cover Muallaf problems. Firstly, give information
and exploration to Muslim society and non-Muslims in Malaysia generally about
Muslims and the challenges and obstacles that they will face it. Secondly,
understanding the factors which are bringing into their Islam converts. Third,
understanding level of psychology that they dealed in their daily life as a
Muslim. Then, appointing the effectiveness of approachment to society in
handling their welfares and guidance for them. After that, helping the commitees
of government and NGOs in managing Muallaf from aspect of guidance, welfare and
counselling. The last one is increasing study and survey to preach Islam in
Muallaf field for a reference soon.
I am interested to highlight the
word of ‘Guidance’ which means da`ie must guide and teach the newly Muslims as
a whole task in learning program. This is very important to ensure them
maintain on one Tawhid , Islamic religion. Then, to make them appreciate the
obligatory in Islam and lastly, making Islam as a way of their lifestyle.
If we seek their
problem why some of them are not interested or not involved in learning program
came from ourselves. We do not know how to attract them based on their needs.
For examples, we must know how to interact or communicate with them using their
language. From that, we understand what they want and reacts. In addition, we
need to use other alternatives as a tool to teach such as audio-visual, radio
nd so on.
While Mahfuz (1992)
suggested to prepare the education
silibus from basic to deep the contents. Next, he preferred to seperate
the class among them to differentiate the old and newly Muslims. In fact, Nor
Patimah (1990) gave her recommendation and had agreed to built a library for
them and held the class there and made
it as an Islamic information centre. On the other hand, she viewed to use teaching
helping tools such as audio-video, having courses in far distance and
evaluation systematically along their learning activities among them.
Maziah (1995) informed us that the facilitators must
prepare their techniques of conveying
knowledge by starting the things which is their favourite or enjoyment or
preference such as fishing, clean the house, cooking activities and many more.
All activities have to relate with our religion. Moreover, the facilitators
must speak leniently and polite to touch their heart. Then, they must be
sensitive towards the targets that they want speak straight forward. Lastly,
they had encouraged to empowered their skills to use many languages likes English
language, Tamil language, Mandarin language and so forth.
The other group from
research group, Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) (2009) prepared a book
guidance of managing Muallaf. They are concerning about their education,
guidance and courses by holding courses, Islamic education class and Islamic
guidance centre.
I noticed that the researcher emphasized the three aspects are needed to make
the successful of this program such as the comfort of class , the ability of
teachers in using the variety of language and learning contents.
Knowles (980), Brazziel (1989) and Garelli (1996) made four importance of
components in learning program to mke it smoothly. First, the program
objective. Second, the learning situation. Third, the contents of education.
Lastly, conveying and managing learning program.
from this journal, the researcher found the three main problems in learning
program are Islamic hall assumed as a reference place to tell their problems,
officer job`s status at this place and the curriculum is not complete yet.
First, they expected this place as to express their feeling and ask sympathy
for their problems. For examples, they know can get Zakat. So, they came here
to ask their rights besides telling their problem as a poor life. The next
problem is officer job`s status had divided into three aspect, the sum of
officers, position status and expertise or skills that they had. Last but not
least, based on the curriculum is not complete, the officers found that the
module is too general and not specified towards background of students
differently and having the difference of problems and complicated. Therefore,
the teachers are forced to use the books that existed at marketing. This
situation need our high level of effort to understand it.
In a nutshell, from
this journal, it tells us about the importance of learning program status to
newly Muslims. All people must co-operate to make the learning program change
and modified effectively and get the positive impacts.
writer suggested five implementation based on his findings. There are a group
of people to create and write the detailed silibus accordance the students`
background and their abilities. Holding ‘Islamic Information Centre’ (IIC) in
library at the strategic places sucha as at mid town. The religious officers
likes Imam, Ustaz and commitees of security village should to take them as
their adopted family to ease them as reference to settle down their problems.
Jabatan Agama Islam Melaka (JAIM) should hold networking and linkage with the
other private companies to give the suitable job for Muallaf. Recommendation
for future research to give more attention towards the ways of learning process
effectively among newly Muslims as proffesionaljob such as doctor, lawyer,
engineer, and many more.
there are many methods to make
the learning process effectively depending
on creativity and perseverance by looking for the chances and alternatives. I
think and hope Muslims as a whole are concerning about the effective and
achievement of learning program towards newly Muslims become a real, good
Muslim. Besides that, NGOs need to gain effort in helping them to strengthen
their aqidah especially Muallaf in rural places. God willing, we are going to excel and achieve
the common goals or desires according to Quran and Sunnah. We are the combatant
of Islam, our religion. We cannot judge and blame others without ourselves
doing it together.
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