Power is often thought of in terms of domination and
control. It is also useful for understanding how the people are able to
influence each other in organizations. It involves the capacity of one part
(the agent or the leader or the manager) to influence another party (the target
or the employee or the worker). Influencing is using two ways through an
individual and an organization or a group.
It is difficult to describe the power of an
agent without specifying the target person’s, the influence objectives, and the
time period. An agent will have more power over some people than over others
and more influences for some types of issues than for others. Power and its
source are important factors in leadership effectiveness. The nature and use of
power, influence, and authority often determine the effectiveness of the
An authority
has similar meaning with the power. Exactly, it involves the rights,
prerogatives, obligations and duties associated with particular positions in
organization or social system. For instance, a manager establishes work rules
and makes his or her workers obey it.
It also involves the right of the agent to
exercise control over things, such as money, resources, equipment, and
materials and this control is another sources of power. the scope of authority
for the occupant of a managerial position is the range of requests that can
properly be made and the range of actions that can properly be taken. Scope of
authority is much greater for some managers than for others and it depends in
large part on the influence needed to accomplish recognized role requirements
and organizational objectives.
One useful basis evaluating the
success of an influence attempt is whether the immediate outcome is what the
manager intended. So that, a manager may achieves the intended effect on the workers.
There are three types of outcomes of influence attempts that commitment,
compliance and resistance.
First type is the employees are
giving commitment in organization to their leader. The term commitment
describes an outcome in which the worker person internally agrees with a
decision or request from the manager and makes a great effort to carry out the
request or implement the decision effectively. As a worker accepts the
manager’s decision, as usual a manager more know about their decision that’s
right or wrong.
Another type is the employees’ compliance
to their leader. The term compliance explains an outcome in which the worker is
willing to do what the manager asks but is apathetic rather than enthusiastic
about it and will make only a minimal effort. For example, a worker does the task
that his or her manager asks only a little bit immediately.
The last one is the resistance
of employees to their leader. This type has six ways whether finishing it or
not. They can refuse to carry out the request. They also can make excuses about
why the request that their do not want. Sometimes, they try to persuade the
manager to withdraw or change the request. There is also the workers ask higher
authorities to overrule the manager’s request. We also ever see that the
workers delay acting in the hope who is the manager will forget about this. The
last one, they make a pretense of complying but try to sabotage the task. For
instance, a worker is no respond to do the task.
The influence processes are qualitatively different
from each other, but more than one process may occur at the same time. Kelman
(1958) proposed three different types of influence processes, called
instrumental compliance, internalization and personal identification. For
example, a follower become an active, hardworking and good person to finish a
task proposed by the leader, because they feel comfortable and give a full
cooperation to do it and also they share similar attitudes.
The most and foremost, instrumental
compliance that the followers carry out a requested action for the purpose
of obtaining a tangible reward or avoiding a punishment controlled by the
While the internalization
also can be seen through the followers become committed to support and
implement proposals espoused by the leader because they appear to be
intrinsically desirable and correct in relation to the follower’s values,
beliefs, and self image. The proposals are objectives, plans, strategies,
policies and procedures.
Lastly, personal identification
showed the followers imitate the leader’s behavior or adopt the same attitudes
to please the leader and to be like the leader. Maintaining a close
relationship with an attractive leader may help to satisfy the followers need
for esteem from other people and becoming more like an attractive leader helps
the followers maintain a more favorable self-image.
the types of power strengthen your ability to face any situation and respond in
a way that helps create the outcomes you desire. John French (1993) presented
four sources from which a leader might acquire power. Quite clearly, one source
is the position held (legitimate or position power). A leader has legal
power that is vested in his/her position, or role, in the organizational
Another source of power is
personality of the leader (referent or personality power). Many leaders
are able to influence followers from the strength of their personality. This
type of power is also referred to as charismatic power.
A third source of leader power is
known as reward power. Leaders have the ability to control and administer
punishment to subordinates for noncompliance with the leader’s directives or to
reward selected behavior. In such instances, the leader is using reward power.
Finally, there is expert
power, which is derived from the special ability and or knowledge possessed
by the leader and needed by followers. In many instances, the manner in which a
leader exerts his/her power and authority determines his/her effectiveness. Followers
in the organization grant power to the leader (by shared agreement) as they
accept his/her influence and directions. Individuals in a higher position also
grant power to the leader as they assign tasks and share responsibility. These
two sources build on one another. As one gets stronger, the other is likely to
get stronger. However, the reverse is also true; as one gets weaker, so does
the other. The power of the leader is likely to be most effective when he/she
uses a combination of legitimate and referent power to facilitate inquiry,
mastery, and collaboration (Fullan,
mostly of us learned and knew more the types of power is based on French and
Raven (1959) that they developed a taxonomy to classify different types of
power according to their sources. This taxonomy includes five types of power.
There are legitimate power, referent power, expert power, reward power and
coercive power. We will explain these
types one by one clearly.
First type of power based on them is
legitimate power. It also called ‘positional power’; it refers to power
of an individual because of the relative position and duties of the holder of
the position within an organization. Power stemming from formal authority over
work activity and the influence processes associated with this power. It is usually
accompanied by various attributes of power such as uniform, offices etc. This
is the most obvious and also the most important kind of power. For examples,
the followers comply because they believe the leader has the right to make the
request and the followers have the obligation to comply such as the leader has
holding the post like the Prime Minister.
Secondly is referent power that means
is derived from the desire of others to please the leader toward whom they have
strong feelings of affection, admiration and loyalty. People are usually
willing to do special favors for a friend, and they are more likely to carry
out requests made by someone they greatly admire. The strongest form of
referent power involves the influence process called personal identification.
This is based on the charisma and interpersonal skills of the power holder.
Follower maybe admired because of specific personal trait. For examples, the
follower complies because the follower admired or identifies with the leader
and wants to gain the leader’s approval such as, the leader has the charisma
and own skills and also has good attitude in leadership.
Third kind of power is expert power
that means is an individual’s power deriving from the skills or expertise of
the person or leaders and the organization’s needs for those skills and
expertise. This expert power is usually highly specific and limited to the
particular area in which the expert is qualified. For example, the followers
comply because they believe that the leaders have special knowledge about the
best way to do something. Unique knowledge about the best way to perform a task
or solve an important problem provides potential influence over subordinates,
peers, and superiors. However, expertise is a source of power only is dependent
on the leader for advice. The more important a problem is to the follower, the
greater the power derived by the leader fro possessing the necessary expertise
to solve it. Dependency is increase when the follower cannot easily find
another source of advice besides the leader.
the reward power is the perception by the follower that a leader
controls important resources and rewards desired by the follower. Reward power
stems in part from formal authority to allocate resources and rewards. This
authority varies greatly across organization. More control over scarce
resources is usually authorized for high-level managers. Reward power depends
not only on a manager’s actual control over resources and rewards, but also on
the follower’s perception that the leader has the capacity and willingness to
follow through on promises. An attempt to use reward power to be unsuccessful
if the leader lacks credibility as a sources of resources and rewards. Managers
usually have much more reward power over subordinates than over peers or superiors.
One form of reward power over subordinates is the authority to give pay
increases, bonuses, or other economic incentives to deserving subordinates.
This power is obvious but also ineffective if abused like give the bribe to
others. Follower who abuse reward power can become pushy. For example, the
follower complies in order to obtain reward controlled by the leader.
Lastly, the types of power based on French
and Raven is coercive power. A leader’s coercive power over subordinates
is based on authority over punishments, which varies greatly across different
types of organizations. It might refer to the ability to demote other reward.
Coercive power tends to be most obvious but least effective from of power. For
example, the follower complies in order to avoid punishment controlled by the
leader. Coercive power also is invoked by a threat or warning that the follower
will suffer undesirable consequence for noncompliance with a request, rule, or
policy. The threat may be explicit, or it may be only a vague comment that the
person will be sorry for failing to do what the follower wants. Sometimes it is
necessary to establish credibility by demonstrating the will and ability to
cause unpleasant consequence for the follower. However, even a credible threat
may be unsuccessful if the follower refuses to be intimidated or believes that
the way can be found to avoid compliance without being detected by the leader.
It is the best avoid using coercion except when absolutely necessary, because
it is difficult to use and likely to result in undesirable side effects.
Another conceptualization of power sources is
also control over information power. This type of power based on
(Pettigrew, 1972). Some access to information results from a person’s position
in the organization’s communication network. Managerial positions often provide
opportunities to obtain information that is not directly available to
subordinates or peers. Boundary role position like marketing, purchasing,
public relations provide access to important information about events in the
external environment of an organization. However, it is not merely a matter of
occupying a particular position and having information appear as if by magic; a
person must be actively involved in cultivating a network of information
sources and gathering information from them.
Control over the physical environment,
technology, and organization of the work provides an opportunity for indirect
influence over other people. Because behavior is determined in part by
perception of opportunities and constraints, it can be altered in subtle ways
by rearranging the situation. This form of influence is sometimes called situational
engineering or ecological power. One form this power is to modify the
design of subordinate motivation. Research on job enrichment suggests that
significant improvements in work quality and job satisfaction are sometimes
possible. The organization of work activities and design of formal structure is
another form of situational engineering. The grouping of activities into
subunits, determination of reporting relationships and design of information
systems are all sources of influence over employee behavior.
Power is not a
static condition. It changes over time due to changing conditions and the
actions of individuals and coalitions. How power is acquired or lost can be described
by two theories.
The first one is social
exchange theory which explains how power is gained and lost as reciprocal
influence processes occur over time between agents and targets in small groups.
Exactly, social interaction is an exchange of benefits or favors. It can
include not only material benefits, but also psychological benefits like
expressions of approval, respect, esteem and affection. For example, the theory
does not explain how reciprocal influence processes affect an agent’s reward
and referent power. The supporting evidence for the theory was found in research
with small groups in a laboratory setting, but longitudinal field research is
needed on social exchange processes for agents in large organizations to verify
that the process is the same.
The second one also
the last is strategic contingencies theory which explains the
acquisition and loss of power by different subunits of an organization and the
implications of this power distribution for the effectiveness of the
organization in a changing environment. This theory postulates that the power
of a subunit depends on three factors. Its expertise in coping with important
problems. Another one that centrality of the sub unit within the workflow. While the extent
to which the subunit’s expertise is unique rather than substitutable.
Although the two
theories focus on power processes at different levels of analysis, they share
many similar features and appear mostly compatible. Both theories emphasize the
importance of demonstrated expertise for the acquisition of authority.
For a conclusion, power is the capacity to
influence the attitudes and behavior of people in the desired direction. The
amount of position power necessary for leader effectiveness depends on the
nature of the organization, task, and subordinators. Why the personal power
show the success of a manager depends greatly on the manner in which power in exercised.
Effective leader are likely to use power in a subtle, fashion that minimizes
status differential and avoids traits to the target person’s cell-esteem. Position
and personal determinants of power interact in complex ways, and sometime it is
difficult to distinguish between them. In contrast, leaders who exercise power
in an arrogant, manipulative, domineering manner are rightly to engender
resistance. All of power must have the leader, the follower, and the situation.
Find Your Power. Dr Chris Johnstone. Nicholas Brealey
Publishing, London- Boston. 2006.
Practicing The Art of Leadership. Reginald Leon Green.
Merrill Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Columbus, Ohio. 2001.
Leadership in Organizations (sixth edition). Gary
Yukl. University at Albany, State University of New York.
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