Nowadays, people are free to talk any issues in Malaysia including development and contribution from Non-government Organizations likes IKIM, ABIM, YADIM and many more. I was interested to know the method of da`wah in PAS related with NGO`s. Therefore I have read the profiles of the successive past scholars of PAS leaders such as Dr. Burhanuddin al-Helmi, Dato Haji Mohd Asri Muda, Tuan Haji Yusof Rawa, and Dato` Fadhil Mohd Noor.
First of all is Dr. Burhanuddin al-Helmi who was the third President of PAS in charged from the year of 1956 to 1969. He has shown the nature of the Islamic struggle itself through his commitment and responsibility to Islam and Malay nationalism. He stated that Islam will offer peace, love, unity and satisfaction for all people if they are obedient to Islamic laws and Islamic state which is explained by the Koran and Sunnah. Onother records, he succeeded in influencing non-Muslims to convert Islam. He also stressed that corruption and confusion in spreading da`wah or beauty of Islam is prohibited.
The second person to be discussed is Dato Haji Mohd Asri Muda who was PAS’s fourth President from 1970 to1982. He recognized that NGOs have their own methods and are approachable to others. He agreed with PERKIM, ABIM and other NGOs which exist actively to convey the truth in aspects of ritual and education. The main purpose of most NGO`s establishment is spreading the da`wah and ensuring helpfulness in the development of Muslims. He declared that Hizbul Muslimin gave spirit for PAS to struggle and not giving up easily their battle in Islamic religion and motivates people to become an obedient servant. PAS and ABIM co-operated to participate in the International Islamic Conference in London held by the Islamic Council of Europe. They suggested to PAS to move forward actively through individuals and organization. For the individuals, we should fulfill our members with tarbiah and education. While the organization has to plan strategies, strengthen the financial, unified leadership and foster Islamic and moral education.
Thirdly, Tuan Haji Yusuf Rawa was the fifth President of PAS (1982-1990) and actually, he was a previous ABIM `s leader. He concluded the ideas from his experience making the new leadership monopolized by the scholars (ulamak). He also forbade nationalism among them that are multiracial likes Malays, Chinese, Indian and others. He has listed many ways to tackle others. First of all, we need co-operation among members to train and teach each other. Giving endless effort to correct their belief (aqidah) by wisdom not aggressiveness. Besides that, be more careful in attracting them by giving advice rather than being angry and forceful, considering before commenting, telling the good news before the bad news and the truth before warning. After that, build a systematic and well-planned organization through the concept of the unity of action (wehdah al-`amal). Furthermore, we must have the unity of thought (wehdatul fikr) to combat together like al-Ikhwan Muslimun, Jamaat Islami and the Refah Party as good examples. Lastly, create relationship between administers and societies as a party of Allah (Hizbullah) that Islam is the true religion, perfect, complete, bring development to ummah, performing meeting (majlis syura) and giving full obedience to Allah and His Messenger.
Last but not least, Dato` Fadhil Mohd Noor was the sixth President whom held the United Force of People (Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah) as a method to the present ruling government, the National Front. He also made the people think their life is comfortable and free from oppression and coercion. He wished to execute law set by Allah as stated in the Koran (Hudud), prohibits usury (Riba`) in implementing of Islamic bank. He used compartmentalization (Tajziyyah) in Islamic economy. He also mentioned that, to spread dakwah we must understand people in target. For examples, the movement of Ikhwan al-Muslimin in Egypt and Jamaat Islami in Pakistan.
In a nutshell, there are many methods to spread dakwah depending on creativity and perseverance to always look for the chances and alternatives. I think and hope NGOs are going to excel and achieve the common goals or desires according to Koran and Sunnah. We are the combatant of Islam, our religion. We cannot judge and blame others without ourselves doing it together.
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