Wednesday, 19 December 2012


dah lame xjenguk betul sem book review hasil copy paste n touh up2 sket permintaan drpd ustaz Aliff ajar subjek halaqah..tension mase tu..sabo je la..bak kata ustaz, orang yang menahan diri ya`ni bersabar daripada melakukan kemungkaran jauh lebih mulia berbanding marah yang mengikut syaitan n hawa nafsu..=)..SABAR ITU INDAH!!! kan??? hehehe..

Regarding our task, we choose a book entitled حول تاريخ الدعوة ورجالها قديما وحديثا دراسات” is written by Dr. Mousbah Mansour Mousa , lecturer of Faculty of Leadership and Management. He writes about the biography of Islamic leaders. There are seven Islamic leaders for previous and current time. For previous Islamic leaders like  Sayyidina Abu Bakar As-sidiq,Sayyidina Umar Al-Khattab, Sayyidina Uthman Bin Affan and Sayyidina Ali Bin Abi Talib. While the current leaders are  Sayyid Abul A'la Maududi, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat and Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
Initially, we are interested to review this book to gain more knowledge about ‘ khulafa` ar-rasyidin ’ and current figures. However, it give us many benefits along our journey of da`wah life. We should know them very well as our role model in all aspect of life especially as an Islamic leader and preacher or da`ie in Arabic terms.
This assingment focus on effective preachers and successful leaders that they had spread Islamic religion and also had contributed many new changes and policies during their ruling period of leadership style. Besides that, we can know how their methods during previous and current time.
For becoming an effective preacher, we must realize that da’wah is the most important medium in spreading Islamic teaching. Hence, it is our responsible to choose appropriate da`wah approach in order to make the da’wah more effective towards Muslims and non-Muslims such as Indian, Chinese, Christian and the other races.
If we observe in Malaysia, there are multiraces and multireligion who live together in same place and share multiculture. Here, we can see that majority of Malaysia`s residences are influenced by Malay lifestyle and Islamic culture. It is due to Malaysia is an Islamic country.  Hence, the preacher or ‘da`ie’ who are responsible to call Muslims depend on Allah only and invite non-Muslims to Islam the true religion. Indeed, Muhammad Mahmud al-Sawwaf and Muhammad Husayn Fadlullah unanimously concluded that the main way of missionary or da`wah approach to invite the people to Islam mentioned in the Quran in chapter An-Nahl, verse 125.
Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.
Based on this verse, there are three methods to do the missionary activities with wisdom (bilhikmah), good advice and good teaching (mauizah al-hasanah) and debate with the great ways (mujadalah billati hiya ahsan).
Nowadays our society going forgot our previous Islamic leaders. So, we are going to give the exposure about the contribution of our previous and current Islamic leaders than overestimate, admire and tend to know the western leaders more than ours. We want our society give their appreciation to the Islamic leaders that give contributions to Islam. Hence, our today’s leaders could follow their leadership style in order to improve and develop our Ummah.
Indeed, as a good leader must be lenient with his followers, should not overburden them, and always pardon and consult them fair and justice in conflict resolution and implementation of decision making. Besides that, seeking His pleasant and fully submission of everything to Allah are the most important for all leaders. Obviously, the leaders must have skilful, trustworthy, strong and faithful which are required by Islam. In Quran, Allah mentioned in Surah al-Qasas (28:26), ‘…Truly the best of man to employ is the (man) who is strong and trusty’.
Besides that, we must understand why leadership is the one of the vital things for us, Da`wah and Islamic Management from Faculty of Leadership and Management. Basically, leadership is the process of directing the behavior of others toward the accomplishment of some common objectives. It is influencing people to get things done to a standard and quality above their norm to achieve a shared stretch goal. As an element in social interaction, leadership is a complex activity involving a process of influence, actors who are both leaders and followers and a range of possible outcomes such as the achievement of goals, but also the commitment of individuals to such goals, the enhancement of group cohesion and the reinforcement of change of organizational culture. Dwight D. Eisenhower sai, "Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it".

Chapter 1: Sayyidina Abu Bakar As-sidiq
Life, Nature and Privileges Abu Bakr r.a
The Messenger of Allah intestate to all human before he died, "Build prayers, steadfast in prayer and treat your slaves well."
It is said that name is Abdul Ka'bah which was then replaced with Abdullah after converted to Islam. Nickname was Abu Bakr's father-virgin. Abu Bakr r.a identified with some title name. The title of the most famous is the as-siddiq. He is called as-siddiq because its honest and was always acknowledged and confirmed the words of the Prophet Muhammad after he was appointed as prophet. In addition, the nature of the as-siddiq always decorates every utterance and behavior.
In addition, Abu Bakr ra was given the title as al-Atqa, the most pious. The event was immortalized in the verse of Al-Quran surah al-Layl-meaning verses 17-18:
"And soon will be deprived of the most pious man from hell, who spend their wealth to purify (themselves)"
In addition, Abu Bakr ra held al-'Atiq mean pure and free. The event was given his deep beauty of his face and his deep Prophet called people free from the fire of hell. Messenger of Allah said: "You are a slave free by God from the fire of hell."
Abu Bakr also held al-awwah al-munib namely the subject and back. The event was disclosed by Ali ibn Abu Talib, may Allah be pleased when he is preaching, "Verily Abu Bakr is the heart down and back."
Glory and virtue traits Abu Bakr made ​​any verbal and science experts tied to it. Grandeur and beauty make every writer indecisive behavior. They were not able to determine how to initiate perbahasan main properties Abu Bakr king because all properties have primacy.
Abu Bakr as-Siddiq ra was the first to convert to Islam from among adult males. Even the Abu Bakar was the first to convert to Islam in general. Abu Bakr ra great desire that all men believe in God, he immediately asked the people to follow the course, believe in God, and away from the worship of idols and other gods besides Allah. Abu Bakr immediately initiate movement preaching and success invite Uthman, Talha, zubair and Sa'd to Islam. The next day he arrived with Uthman ibn mazh'un, Abu Ubaidah ibn al-jarrah, Abdurrahman ibn Awf, Abu Salamah ibn 'Abd al-asad and al-Arqam ibn Abu al-Arqam. They all become Muslims.
In addition, the story of the sacrifice of Abu Bakr to the Prophet at the time of hijrah, Asmat bint Abu Bakr said, "when Abu Bakr and the Prophet emigrated, ash fuels carry all his property about five or six thousand dirhams. Our brother Abu Qahafah who cannot see his deep old age come to us and said, 'By Allah, I did not see you guys happy with their wealth and their souls.' "
Asma said, "Not like that my brother, he would be left to us a lot." Then asma take some gravel with a cloth, and said, "This is treasure left by the father." Asma do like that because not Want brother feel worried on the situation while Abu Bakr did not actually leave anything else for them.
Abu Bakr died on the night of Tuesday, 8 Jamadil Akhir of the 13th move when he reaches 63 years. According to one story, Abu Bakr ra sick after eating food that contains toxins. Ibn Shihab tell you that Abu Bakr and ibn al-Haris kildah consuming khizarah presented to Abu Bakr ra.
There also are stating the cause of the death of Abu Bakr suffered fever after bathing in hariyang very cold, as diperkatakan by Aisha ra Abu Bakr that free fall ill after bathing in a very cold day in isnin 7 jamadil end. Abu Bakr had a fever for fifteen days and not out of the room except for the prayer other features.
Some even stated that Abu Bakr was the cause of death which he suffered fever after bathing in a very cold day, as alleged by Aisha that Abu Bakr fell ill after bathing in a very cold day on Monday 7 Jumada II. Abu Bakr suffering from fever for fifteen days and not go out except for a prayer room only.
Chapter 2: Sayyidina Umar Al-Khattab
Life, Nature and Privileges Umar r.a
Al-Faruq means the differential. Such is the title given Prophet to the Umar because it can distinguish the true and the gain, the good and the bad. Umar was like and frequently use this title. He said, "Allah has put the truth on Umar oral and liver. He al-Faruq distinguishing or separating the right and wrong. "
Some others interpret al-Faruq as guardian and Splitter Messenger among yourselves line infidels, enemies who always oppose and resist missionary apostle. At early time embraced Islam, umar ask the Messenger, "O Messenger of Allah, is not life and death we are in truth?" Apostle replied, "Yes! By Allah, we live and die in the truth. "Umar again said," If so, why do we hide anything in our teaching, preaching? By Him Who sent in the name of truth, we should go out! "Because this is called al-Faruq umar.
Umar also known Abu Hafshah as Hafshah father, noble woman who later became the wife of the Prophet. Wedding Prophet with Hafsah is a testament to a messenger of love who have been widowed mukminah since left death by her husband, Khunais ibn al-Sahami Hudzalah first husband Hafsah who strive in the way of Allah and killed in the war full moon. Umar was sad to see his daughter became a widow in young age.
Umar was also recorded as the first person known as Amir al-Mu'minun means leaders who believe.
Umar was born of noble lineage, it comes from the tribe of Quraish. Generations to meet their nenkmoyang Prophet on the ninth. Umar descendant tree can be seen as follows: Umar Khattab's son, Prince Nufail, Prince Abd al-'Uzza, Riyah son, son of Abdullah, son of Qarth, Razah prince, son of' Adi, the son of Ka'b, son Lu'ay, son Ghalib al-'adawi al-Quraishi. descendants of the Prophet Muhammad umar meet on Ka'ab. Meanwhile, the mother umar is price Hantamah Hashim, the son of al-Mughirah al-Makhzumiyah.
Umar had seven wives, both married the pagan or after converting to Islam. They are (1) Zainab daughter ma'zhun and blessed Abdullah, Abdurrahman al-Akbardan Hafsah. (2) princess Maleekah Ubaydillah Jarul and blessed. (3) Quraybah putrid Abi Umayya. (4) princess Umm Hakim al-Harith ibn Hisham and dukurniakan Fatimah. (5) Jamilah princess' Ashim ibn Thabit. (6) 'Atikah princess Zayd ibn' Amr ibn Nufayl. (7) Umm Kulthum daughter of Ali ibn Abu Talib and Zayd and Ruqayyah blessed.
Umar made a bequest to Mu'awiya ibn Abi Sufyan:
"You must always be the truth, building permission, and you may become a member of the truth on a day when only reckoned to be true."
Wills Umar to Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah:
"I intestate thee to fear God. He is Most great and everything besides Him perish. He gives us guidance from error, get us out of darkness into light. I have show to you Khalid ibn Walid to lead the team. Take care and give your case. Do not serve the Muslim community booty temptation. Fear to cast them in damage. Allah middle might try, also test myself. Should you turn your eyes from the sparkling world, also lock your day from all that. "
Chapter 3: Sayyidina Uthman Bin Affan
The Period of Uthman (ra) (644-656) 
His name is Uthman b. 'Affan b. Abul-'As, he was born when our Prophet Muhammad was 5 years old. Uthman was a nobleman from the Quraish of Bani Ummayah.

Uthman (ra) with his superior moral values was the one of the first to accept Islam. Before becoming caliph, he was one of those closest to our Prophet (saas). In addition to possessing a very pleasant and effective way of speaking, he possessed an excellent memory and learned the Holy Qur’an by heart. Furthermore, he had a great knowledge of the hadiths, the words of the Prophet (saas), and as amanuensis of the revelation, performed great services for Islam.
He was renowned for his gentle, generous and kind. He was one of the wealthiest merchants in Arabia, until he was called by the nickname "al-Ghani". After embracing Islam, he donates a lot of his wealth to the benefit of Islam. For examples, the Battle of Tabuk, he donated his property of 950 camels, 50 horses and 1,000 dinars. Similarly, when the Muslims migrated to Medina, Muslims facing problems in getting drinking water. By the Caliph Uthman bought Ruma wells from a Jew with price 20.000 dirhams to be used by Muslims for free.
He was chosen to be caliph after Umar (ra). Nobody objected to his election to the rank of caliph because he was regarded as worthy of it throughout Islamic society, and everyone swore allegiance to him.  
During his caliphate, certainly one of Uthman (ra)’s greatest services in the propagation of Islamic moral values was how he had copies of the Holy Qur’an copied and sent to various Islamic centers. Due to differences of accent in his day, the verses of the Qur’an were being read out in different ways, so the Blessed Uthman (ra) set up an institution for the copying of the entire Qur’an. One duplicate was left in Medina, and others sent to Mecca, Damascus, Kufa, Basra, Egypt and other locations.
In the course of his work as caliph, Uthman (ra) made sure that suitable candidates were selected for various appointments. He was determined to develop agriculture and public works so as to raise the level of prosperity in the Islamic community, and he worked to develop gardens and vineyards. One noticeable development that occurred in this period was the increase in the wealth of Muslims and their greater prosperity compared with their lives in the past. And partly as a result, many of those unbelievers living in Islamic territories became Muslims.
The lifetime of Uthman (ra) saw a continuation of Islamic victories in Iran, the Caucasus and Africa. A maritime force was established and took the strategically important Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Many important victories were won against the Byzantines, and order and justice were established in the territories won. Caliph Uthman was the Caliph of Islam after the third Caliph of the Caliphs Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab. He became the caliph through popular consent (shura).
Leadership and Administrative History
Historians have divided the period of Caliph Uthman for 12 years into two parts, the first of the age or level of peace and Islamic supremacy, while the second hand is level or the "Fitnatul-Kubra" defamation of age.
Uthman's murder
Caliph Uthman ra. Martyrs killed by the rebels who besieged his house. On the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah 35 Hijri, Uthman last breath as she hugged Quran read. Since then, the Islamic authority more often colored by blood droplets. His reign lasts 12 years, which is the oldest government in the reign of Khulafa 'ar-Rashidun.

Chapter 4: Sayyidina Ali Bin Abi Talib        
The Period of Ali (ra) (656-661)
His name is Ali bin Abi Talib bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abdul Manaf. He was born in 602 M or 10 years before the birth of Islam. Age 32 years younger than the Prophet. Ali was the cousin and the daughter-in-law through marriage to Fatimah Rasulullah SAW. He was the first to embrace Islam among children. He was educated in the house of The Prophet and this caused him to have a clean soul and not defiled by instinct before Islam (jahiliyyah).
Ali was one of the closest companions of the Prophet. As a boy, brought up by the Prophet Muhammad, Abu Talib, his grandfather, who is also the father of 'Ali. After my marriage and lack of live view, Abu Talib, the Prophet Muhammad Ali at his preserve. Ali and Zaid bin Haritsah - Prophet Muhammad's adopted son, was the first to embrace Islam after Khadija. They always prayers in congregation.
Intelligence and courage Ali very prominent within the Quraysh. When still a child, he was against the Quraysh leaders ridiculed the Prophet Muhammad. When the Prophet Muhammad and the Quraysh had migrated out the sword to kill him, Ali sleeps in the bed of the Prophet Muhammad, his cloak worn by the Prophet.Ali was the son of Abu Talib, the uncle of the Prophet (saas). Historical accounts tell us that he grew up near our Prophet (saas) who later became his guardian.
Ali had the salient characteristics of courage, wisdom and eloquence. Everyone agreed that Ali (ra) was one of the greatest scholars in the Islamic community. As our dear Prophet (saas) said of him, “He is the door of Wisdom City.” At the Prophet’s side since his childhood, he learned the Qur’an from him and served him as amanuensis and help meet until the Prophet (saas)’s death. For this reason, Ali (ra) came to know a great deal about religious matters and as a result, was called to be among the advisors to Abu Bakr (ra), Umar (ra) and Uthman (ra).
            After becoming caliph, he established schools for the education of Muslims, on which he placed great importance. When he was martyred, the Period of the Four Caliphs, one of the most glorious periods in Islam, came to an end.
On the battle field, he is a highly respected fighter. Good in the battle of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq to. Her name is more often praised after he successfully breaks through the fortress gates of Khaibar Jews who became the last defense. By Apostle Haj Ali tasked to carry out a military mission to Yemen and do well.
During teenagers
After three years of preaching in secret, the Prophet received the command of Allah that he should announce to the public the message of Islam, and those kindred who nearly become the first choice for Da'wah. Prophet who invited Bani Hashim, about forty men. After finishing dinner, the Prophet delivered a narrate that he was visited by the angel Gabriel who gave him the command of Allah that he is a prophet of the end times. He says that there is no God but Allah, and that he is the Messenger who has been sent to invite the whole humanity to worship Allah.
Furthermore, the last at the end of the speech, the Prophet begs the question, "Who among us would support me in this task? Guests are all quiet and there is not one word spoken. Ali got up and said, "O Muhammad, I will support you!"
The Prophet looked towards Ali, and thanks for its support. The Prophet asked the same question a second and third time, but, not one of the guests promised support. Each time, Ali bounced it offers firm support term. While shortly afterwards, the wake of Abu Lahab who continue to disobey and to insult the prophet.
The same story also the time of migration from Mecca to Medina. When the Prophet Muhammad and the Quraysh had migrated out the sword to kill him, Ali sleep in the bed of the Prophet Muhammad, impose blanket worn by the Prophet.
Chapter 5: Sayyid Abul A'la Maududi

Biography of Abul A’la Maududi

Sayyid Abul A'la Maududi (Urdu: سید ابو الاعلىٰ مودودی ) (or Mawdoodi, Maududi, Maudoodi, Mawdudi) (September 25, 1903 - September 22, 1979) - was aSunni Pakistani Islamic reformist or Islamist thinker, a politician,  journalist, theologian and political philosopher. He founded the Pakistan Jamaat-e-Islami Islamic revivalist party. He is also known as Maulana (or Mawlana Maududi) or Sheikh Maududi. He was influenced by the Egyptian Islamist Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, he may have influenced al-Banna and he most certainly influenced al-Banna's successor, Sayyid Qutb.
One of Maududi's major contributions to Islamist extremism was the systematization of Xenophobia of the West and legitimization of revolt against Muslim states, based on the idea that all such regimes were in a state of Jahiliya - darkness and barbarism. He believed that the goal of Islamic worship was to prepare Muslims for Jihad, which must be undertaken to bring about the rule of God on Earth in a single Muslim state. These ideas were further refined by Sayyid Qutb.
Maududi  was born in Aurangabad (then in Hyderabad, now in the state of Maharashtra, in India) into a traditional Muslim family with a strong religious bent. His father, Ahmad Hasan Maududi, was a lawyer and a descendent of Chisti silsiah Sufi saints. He was named for the founder of the Chisti order. For several years during Abul Ala Maududi's childhood, his father reportedly stopped practicing law and devoted himself to mystical exercises. Abul Ala was primarily home schooled. His formal education, mostly in the traditional form, did not include western learning, nor did it include traditional Muslim religious training. He was therefore not schooled systematically in Muslim Fiqh (jurisprudence) and was evidently largely ignorant of English and Arabic. At age 15 he was forced to leave school when his father died.
At the age of 17 Abul ala Maududi became a correspondent, and soon became an  editor of Taj, a newspaper in Jabalpur. In 1920 he assumed the editorship of Muslim, which was published by the Jam'iyat-i 'Ulama,' the Ulema  of India in Delhi. The newspaper closed in 1923, but  Maududi soon became editor of the prestigious al-Jam'iyah.  While a journalist, he also began writing about Islam.
In 1928, Maududi left journalism and took up scholarship. Given the paucity of his formal schooling, it is not clear on what sources he drew. He wrote a history of the Asafiyah dynasty of Hyderabad and another history of the Seljuk Turks. Most significantly perhaps, he wrote a little book, Toward Understanding Islam, (Risala al Dinyat)  that really began his career as an Islamic thinker and religious writer.
By 1930, Maududi had published Jihad fil Islam (Holy war in Islam) a collection of essays. In parts, this contained elements of his Jihadist (Islamist) philosophy and basically declared war between Islam in his version of it and the rest of the world. This was necessary because Islam, according to Maududi was superior and therefore had to dominate the world for the benefit of mankind. Being a collection of essays however, it was apparently not internally consistent. It is possible to find passages supporting violent Jihad in Maududi's writings, but also passages and logic that negate violence.
Initially a supporter of Gandhi, Maududi soon turned to Islam rather than Indian nationalism. In 1932 Mawdudi joined the Hyderabadi journal Tarjuman al-Qur'an, and in 1933 he became the editor. It became his "official organ" and that of the Jama'at e Islami party that he founded.
Maududi used the journal as a platform to spread his ideas about Islam, and later in the 1930s he also turned to Indian politics, for which he had an Islamist solution He opposed both the all-India nationalism of the Indian National Congress and the Muslim nationalism of the Muslim League. Eschewing nationalism entirely, he urged India's Muslims to recognize Islam as their sole identity and to become better Muslims. His views during this period are published in the three volumes of Muslims and the Present Day Political Struggle.
In 1943, Maududi began writing his retranslation of the QuranTafheem ul-Quran, into UrduHis contention was that the Arabic language was no longer understood as in the days of Muhammad, eroding the meaning and interpretation of the Quran. Though this approach could be used to disqualify all the Madh'hab schools of Muslim Fiqh (jurisprudence), asSayyid Qutb was to do later, Maududi did not do so openly. He maintained that all the schools were valid but different viewpoints of the law. Nonetheless, he has been accused by others of abrogating the Madh'hab.  
In 1976, Maududi published Human Rights in Islam. In it, he argued that Islam supports human rights and equality, since all male believers are equal. He ignored the problem of gender equality and the lack of equality for individuals of other faiths in Islam. Abul ala Maududi died in September 1979 in Buffalo, New York, where he had gone to visit a son who was a physician, and to receive medical treatment for a long standing kidney ailment. He was buried in Lahore. 
Abul ala Maududi wrote over 120 books and pamphlets. Many of his books were collections of essays published in his journals. His works have been translated into numerous languages and are popular among Muslims throughout the world, though he is hardly known among non-Muslims. He is a key figure in the evolution of Islamism  and one of the most read Muslim writers of his time; he was an important  influence, as noted, on Sayyid Qutb, the Egyptian Islamic radical.

Chapter 6: Sheikh Ahmed Deedat

Sheikh Ahmed Deedat’s Biography

The world renowned Muslim Scholar of Comparative Religion, was born in the Surat district of India in 01 July 1918. Ahmed Hoosen Deedat had no recollection of his father until 1926. His father, a tailor by profession, had emigrated to South Africa shortly after the birth of Ahmed Deedat. With no formal education and fighting off the extreme pangs of poverty, he went to South Africa in 1927 to be with his father. His farewell to his mother in India in 1927 was the last time he saw her alive for she passed away a few months later.
In a foreign land, a boy of nine with no formal schooling and command of the English language began preparing for the role he was to play decades later without realizing it. Applying himself with diligence to his studies, the little boy not only was able to overcome the language barrier but also excelled in school. His avid passion for reading helped him gain promotions until he completed standard six. Lack of finance interrupted his schooling and at the early age of about sixteen he took on the first of many jobs in retailing.
After reading a book called Izharul Haq – The Truth revealed, a book about a debate with Christian Missionaries in the then British India, Sheikh Deedat was spurred on in the direction of Dakwah – Islamic Missionary Activity to halt the tide of the then Christian on slaught against Islam. Over the next four decades, he immersed himself into a host of activities. Conducting Bible classes lectures and debates the world over. He established the first Islamic Seminary in Southern Africa to train propagators at As salaam educational Institute – Braemar. He is the founder of the largest Islamic Dakwah Organization in the world, the Islamic Propagation Center International and became its president. He delivered thousands of lectures all over the world, crossing all the continents and successfully engaging some of the biggest names in Christian evangelists in public debates. Sheikh Deedat’s debates and lectures are available all over the world in the various languages in Video and DVD format. His career in the field of Comparative Religion took him across all five continents and dialogue with the heads of the Protestant world in America. May Almighty Allah bless his soul, accept his efforts for the cause of da’wah and grant gracious patience to his loved ones during this trying time.
He, together with his family, almost single-handedly erected the buildings including the masjid, which is still a landmark today. He was a founder member of the Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI), Durban, and became its President. He has authored and published several books and distributed millions of copies free of charge. He has delivered thousands of lectures all over the world and successfully engaged prominent Christian Evangelists in public debates. Several thousand people have come into the fold of Islam as a result of these efforts.
In a fitting tribute to this monumental achievement, he was awarded the King Faisal International Award in 1986, a prestigious recognition of enormous value in the world of Islam. However, no number of awards and honors can truly capture Sheikh Ahmed Deedat’s essence and zeal for Islam.Sheikh Ahmed Deedat passed away on August 8, 2005 (aged 87).
Chapter 7: Yusuf al-Qaradawi      
Early Relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood
Yusuf bin Abdullah bin Ali bin Yusuf is the real name. While al-Qaradhawi refers to area is named al-Qardhah. Qaradawi, born in Egypt in 1926, graduated from Al Azhar University in Cairo. In 1942, during his time as a student, Qaradawi signed membership papers formally joining the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamic extremist movement founded in Egypt that has spawned and inspired global terrorist groups, including the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas
He was arrested several times by Egyptian government authorities between 1949 and 1961 due of his activities with the Muslim Brotherhood. In 1951, Qaradawi toured Egypt giving political speeches in support of Brotherhood candidates for the parliamentary elections that year. Egypt banned the Muslim Brotherhood in 1954 because of its opposition to the Egyptian government. 
In 1961, Qaradawi moved to Qatar, where he currently resides. Despite his departure from Egypt, Qaradawi's theological influence on the Muslim Brotherhood continued. Qaradawi participated in developing the educational and cultural structure of the Brotherhood, publishing essays and books that were absorbed into the educational curriculum by its Tarbiyya (Education) Department. In addition, a number of Qaradawi's essays relating to Thaqafat ad-Da'iya (The Culture of the Preacher) were published in the Brotherhood magazine, Da'wa, during in the 1970s. Another of his books, at-Tarbiya al-Islamiyya wa Madrasat Hassan al-Banna (Islamic Education and Hassan al-Banna's school), published in 1979, was officially incorporated into the educational curriculum by the Brotherhood.
Although Qaradawi has built a media empire formally independent of the Muslim Brotherhood, he remains the premier spiritual guide to the Islamist movement.  The Brotherhood offered Qaradawi their highest leadership position of "General Guide" in 1973, after the death of the group's second General Guide, Hassan Al-Hudaybi, which Qaradawi declined in 1976. Qaradawi declined the position again in 2002, following the death of organization's fifth General Guide Mustafa Mashhur.
Despite refusal to formally adopt the helm of the Brotherhood, Qaradawi maintains a close cooperation with the organization and its members. According to his memoirs, Ibn al-Qarya wa'l-Kuttab (Son of the Village and theVillage Schools, vol. 2002, 2004, 2006). Qaradawi continues to regard Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Brotherhood, as the teacher who had the most significant influence on him.

Recent Selected Books

Qaradawi has also written over 40 books, many of which have been published in different languages and disseminated throughout the world. In Qaradawi's Fiqh of Jihad, published in 2009, he chastises those Muslims who do not observe the obligatory duty of jihad, including violent jihad, and attempt to "cast a veil of oblivion on jihad and drop it from the life of the Ummah [the Muslim community]." In the introduction to the book, Qaradawi writes, "Without jihad, the Ummah's boundaries will be violated, the blood of its people will be as cheap as dust, its sanctuaries will be less worthy than a handful of desert sand, and it will be insignificant in the eyes of its enemies." A significant portion of the work is dedicated to legitimizing suicide bombing, or "martyrdom operations," which Qaradawi casts as a "defensive jihad against oppression." He encapsulates his view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with anti-Semitic rhetoric, attesting that the "Zionist massacres of today" are a continuation of alleged Jewish calls to genocide in the Old Testament.
In another of his books, Fatawa' Min Ajl Falastin [Fatwas for the Sake ofPalestine], published in 2003, Qaradawi provides a warning that Muslims should not befriend "Jews, in general, and Israelis, in particular" due to the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict. "Receiving enemies in our own countries and visiting them in the occupied lands," he writes, "would remove such a psychological barrier that keeps us away from them, and would bridge the gap that keeps the desire for Jihad against them kindled in the hearts of the Ummah.
In a nutshell, we conclude the two main ideas, becoming a great leader and an influential preacher. We suppose to all Da`wah students to enhance skills and develop methods to do da`wah. Think deeply about the importance of da`wah quality rather than quantity. Here, our recommendation to refresh and modify ourself from aspect of knowledgeable, experiences, application, studying, research, understanding about Islam and improvement towards implementation of da`wah.
Understanding the missionary methods brought by our Prophet Muhammad is a very important. It is shown by him and his companions on how to preach da`wah is a sunnah. It is a basic principle for preparation and implementation in preaching Islam to Muslims and also non-Muslims. If we cannot understand and appreciate about da`wah approach clearly, it is feared that missionary effort becomes not effective and not reach the aim.
Da`wah is the path to Islam, as has been described in the Quran, chapter Ali-Imran, verse 19:
The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling to account.
The call to Allah is not just call to mind an idea or ideology,  but also calls on the appreciation of Islam as ad-din or a total way of life. Therefore, the missionary  effort is transforming people and the rest from aspect thoughts, feelings, behavior and life purpose to comply the purpose and requirements specified by the Muslims. Da`wah  has four pillar, missionary (dai`e), the people who are invited (mad`u), content (maudhu`) and method (manhaj/uslub).
Next, leadership is the very important thing in enhancing organization, community or society and the level integrity of people. For us, leadership is the one of skills that is needed by a leader to lead the followers and influence them to attain the wonderful goals. The leadership must have the vision and mission to organize and achieve the commons goal.
Moreover, the leaders have to show their leadership as a role model and do the positive changes. Everyone should develop our mindset especially those who lead the organization. Lastly, the leader must employ the authority granted him or her by the organization to achieve the purposes of the organization, while recognizing that the knowledge needed to exercise this authority resides throughout the organization and its environment.